Studies and Reports
Jay Hosler and Boomer study of effectiveness of comics in the classroom
Using Comics to Teach Microbiology in the classroom study
Study on Comics as a better resource than text alone for learning – Sheffield Hallam U (Full article)
Study of how elementary teachers respond to comics in their classrooms – Diane Lapp, etc., authors (PDF at the link)
Study of critical thinking through Comic Books in the American College Classroom – Journal of GN & Comics
Study of Cartoon vs. traditional handouts for med students in Medical Teacher Journal
Study of Graphic Novel Comprehension Among Learners with Differential Cognitive Styles and Reading Abilities – Reading & Writing Quarterly
Study: Web-based interactive Comic Tool to Decrease Obesity Risk
Study: Use of Comics w/Preservice Teachers as a Mediated Learning Tool
Study: Using comics to promote equity & Diversity in the science classroom
Study: Using Comic-Style Posters for Engaging Participants and for Promoting Researcher Reflexivity
Study: Pictures in health information and their pitfalls
Study: What do teachers think about the educational role of comic books?
Study: Public engagement with clinical research on social media; which visual medium works best? A 5-year retrospective analysis
Study: How best to share research with study participants? A randomised crossover trial comparing a comic
Study: UK National Literacy Trust 2023 Children/Young People’s Engagement with Comics
Studies: Comics Cultural Impact Collective UK: Data & Resources to Help Make the Case for Comics
Study: Exploring the Potential of Comics for Science Communication: Conveying COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Information to Black Americans
Study: Comics in Science and Health Communication: Insights From Mutual Collaboration and Framing a Research Practice
Study: Can science comics aid lay audiences’ comprehension of forensic science – Journal of Science Communication

On efficacy of using comics as research method
Sally Galman “The Truthful Messenger” on trainee teachers’ personal experiences communicated through creating comics, participants’ comics are used as data
Dell’Angelo & DeGenova “I am a Teacher” collects data through semi-structured interviews and participants’ journals, and shows that data through a comic

Lars Wallner Comics Literacy in the Classroom
Ujiie, J., and Krashen, S.D. (1996). Comic Book Reading, Reading Enjoyment, and Pleasure Reading Among.
Shveta Miller – The Surprising Benefits of Student-Created Graphic Novels – Cult of Pedagogy
Stephen Krashen The Power of Reading
Article What Can Cartoonists Teach Engineers – Rice University
The Comic Studies Multiverse: Graphic Transformations in Education & Culture Vol. 32 – Articles on Teaching with Comics
Article on using Digital Comics for special needs students – the Atlantic
Article on benefit of reading comics in school – from CBC
Article on comics effectiveness in classroom – Minnesota Star Tribune
Article on resistance to comics in the classroom – EdWeek
Article on Understanding comics by making comics – EdWeek
TED talk by Jeremy Short on Comics as educational tools – YouTube
Summary of study of comics as science literacy – w/links to study itself
Anastasia Betts on Comics as tool for writing – from the comics observer
Studies on How Comics help students retain knowledge – from Publishers Weekly
Article on scientific support for comics and literacy – from Toon Books Blog
Interview with Francoise Mouly on why comics are good for Children – from Big Think
Interview w Françoise Mouly on Comics, Education, Toon Books – Smithsonian Mag
Interview on Why Comics Should be in Ethics Journals – AMA Journals
On Raising a Comics Reader – pdf by the Comics Legal Defense Fund on arguments for kids reading comics!
Study on Improvement of information retention in reading graphic works over text only
Study: Using comics with Novice EFL Readers to develop Reading Literacy – Procedia
Study – are science comics a good medium for science communication – Intl Journal of Science Ed
Comics version of are science comics a good medium for science communication – Taylor & Francis
Study on how 2-4th grade students make multimodal meaning in reading comics – abstract at link
Study on Negative Effects of Superheroes on preschoolers summary Bleeding Cool, full article Journal of Abnormal Child Psych
Comics & Dyslexia:a curious connection – from Dyslexic Advantage
Article: How Comics Can be Better for Dyslexic Readers – Pacific Standard

Mosse, H. L., & Daniels, C. R. (1959). Linear dyslexia: A new form of reading disorder. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 13, 826-841.
Arlin, M., & Roth, G. (1978). Pupils’ use of time while reading comics and books. American Educational Research Journal, 15(2), 201-216. doi: 10.3102/00028312015002201

  • Bitz, Michael. Manga High: Literacy, Identity, and Coming of Age in an Urban High School. Cambridge: Harvard Education Pr. 2009.
  • Botzakis, Stergios. “Adult Fans of Comic Books: What They Get out of Reading.” Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 53.1 (2009): 50–59.
  • Clark, J. Spencer. ““Your Credibility Could Be Shot”: Preservice Teachers’ Thinking about Nonfiction Graphic Novels, Curriculum Decision Making, and Professional Acceptance.” The Social Studies 104.1 (2013): 38–45.
  • Connors, Sean P. “Weaving multimodal meaning in a graphic novel reading group.” Visual Communication 12.1 (2013): 27–53.
  • el-Setouhy, Rio F. “Stigma Reduction and Improved Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Filariasis Using a Comic Book for Children.” Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 33.1 (2003): 55–65.
  • Hosler, Jay and K. B. Boomer. “Are Comic Books an Effective Way to Engage Nonmajors in Learning and Appreciating Science?”. CBE—Life Sciences Education 10.3 2011. <>
  • Kagelmann, H. Jürgen. Comics: Aspekte zu Inhalt und Wirkung. Schriften des Arbeitskreises für Jugendliteratur. Heilbrunn/Obb. Julius Klinkhardt, 1976.
  • Kane, Brian M. “Adapting the Graphic Novel Format for Undergraduate-Level Textbooks.” PhD Diss. Ohio State University, 2013.
  • Montgomery, Michell, et al. “The Native Comic Book Project: Native Youth Making Comics and Healthy Decisions.” Journal of Cancer Education 27.1 (2012): 41–46.
  • Pantaleo, Sylvia. “Paneling “Matters” in Elementary Students’ Graphic Narratives.” Literacy Research and Instruction 52.2 (2013): 150–71.
  • Sabbah, Maryam, Mona Masood, and Mohammad Iranmanesh. “Effects of graphic novels on reading comprehension in Malaysian year 5 students.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 4.1 (2013): 146-60.
  • Sabeti, Shari. “‘Arts of time and space’: The perspectives of a teenage audience on reading novels and graphic novels”. Participations 9.2 2012. <>
  • Sossouvi, Laurent-Fidèle. “Les attitudes d’apprenants taiwanais de langue étrangère à l’égard de la bande dessinée et quelques implications”. Linguistik online 55.5 2012. <>
  • Wilson, Brent and Marjorie Wilson. “Pictorial Composition and Narrative Structure: Themes and the Creation of Meaning in the Drawings of Egyptian and Japanese Children.” Visual Arts Research 13.2 (1987): 10–21.

Comics and literacy outreach
The Center for Educational Pathways – the Comic Book Project Michael Bitz’s project initially out of Teachers College to help teachers make comics with their students
Marek Bennett’s Comics Workshop – literacy comics workshops
Marek Bennett – Comic on Multiple Intelligences – printable
World Comics Finland – Grassroots comics, literacy effort
Video of power of Grassroots comics – from India
Video on Impact of World comics inspiring journalism & justice efforts – in India & Pakistan
Video on comic teaching about menstruation – India
Article on Using Comics to Save Indigenous Languages in central Mexico –
Cool project to help Inuit make comics via the web and other digital devices
Canadian artist telling Indigenous Stories by Haida Manga – via CBC
The Water Cookbook – graphic novel on sustainability – from Sarai
Graphic Narratives – site for Comics by Indian Creators –
Making Comics to help children understand Coronavirus – the Conversation
Japanese Comic for Disaster Preparedness – Tokyo
Article on London Egyptian museum using comics to get kids engaged by Matt Finch
Comics Script and Assessment classroom exercise – by James Bucky Carter
Research study on comics/visual literacy – for use as guided writing.
Article on book on using comics to communicate ideas – in UX (user experience) magazine
On the lingua comica project – out of Singapore
Comics in the United Nations database – broad
The Comic Book Education Foundation – to provide literacy & opportunity
Using comic books/superheroes to combat climate change – Grist
Article on using comics to teach kids about cybersecurity – the Conversation
Can you speak Emoji – PBS