Excerpts from the comic - text reads "Comics Beyond Sight." And "New comic on the challenges and possibilities of Accessible Comics". Images are a series of different lightbulbs in a panel where it reads - one size does not fit all. A cube showing three facets, all the same image of a batman-like character swinging down on villains, and a third except - a map key that reads "nothing about us without us"

Comic on Accessible Comics!

  Pleased to share word that I’ve just created a comic on accessible comics in collaboration with my colleague Emily Beitiks for MIT Technology Review. It’s in print, and they have an interactive version of it on their site here: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/06/28/1074341/comics-beyond-sight/. Emily and I created an audio accessible version, and you can see the full comic and access…


Slow Streets MiniComic

The last year or two my family has been getting around San Francisco more and more on our bikes and our car use has shrunk drastically. We’ve gotten involved in supporting efforts to make more streets closed to cars and safe for human-powered transit of all sorts, including most prominently the now permanent JFK Promenade…



I made a thing in response to the past four years and the hopeful shift represented by January 20, 2021. If you’d like to download, PDF is here. It is a successor to my 2016 election comic “WE.” I don’t get a lot of time to draw these days on my book, let alone for…


ING 2020

Sharing here my quadrennial presidential election comic for 2020 “ING…” I made the first of these political comics back in 2004 (see “Security” here and “Show of Hands” here), and that occasion prompted my full-on return to comics-making as an adult. As a result, I’ve ended up doing one each election season since. This one…


New Scholarship PMLA Comic

Publication news below with a new comic(!), but first some words about upcoming talks! I’ll be in NYC this coming week for AERA – and excited to reteam with my colleague artist & drawing professor Andrea Kantrowitz and dance professor Kathryn Ricketts to do a session on drawing, dance, and comics. (My individual component of…



My full-on return to comics was for an art show in Detroit around the 2004 US Presidential Election. I’ve made a habit of doing a piece around each election since. For various reasons, this year has been a little tougher than the others – but this is what I’ve come up with. A piece about “We.”…


Nature Moscow Best List

Unflattening made The Independent’s (UK) list of top graphic novels of 2015! It’s great company to be in, as the roundup includes Adrian Tomine and others, as selected by Neel Mukherjee who recently reviewed Unflattening for the New Statesman here. I’m pleased to have created a comic for the journal Nature on climate change in conjunction with the Paris climate conference beginning…
