Slow Streets MiniComic

The last year or two my family has been getting around San Francisco more and more on our bikes and our car use has shrunk drastically. We’ve gotten involved in supporting efforts to make more streets closed to cars and safe for human-powered transit of all sorts, including most prominently the now permanent JFK Promenade…


I made a thing in response to the past four years and the hopeful shift represented by January 20, 2021. If you’d like to download, PDF is here. It is a successor to my 2016 election comic “WE.” I don’t get a lot of time to draw these days on my book, let alone for…

ING 2020

Sharing here my quadrennial presidential election comic for 2020 “ING…” I made the first of these political comics back in 2004 (see “Security” here and “Show of Hands” here), and that occasion prompted my full-on return to comics-making as an adult. As a result, I’ve ended up doing one each election season since. This one…

Solstice We Responses

It’s the winter solstice – shortest day of the year, longest night. From here on out we see increasingly longer days as the light returns. My family has always observed the solstice with particular significance – and perhaps it offers a reminder of hope and brighter days to come in dark times. To that end, I wanted…


My full-on return to comics was for an art show in Detroit around the 2004 US Presidential Election. I’ve made a habit of doing a piece around each election since. For various reasons, this year has been a little tougher than the others – but this is what I’ve come up with. A piece about “We.”…

Not a Game

While I’m plugging away on Chapter Four (you can see the finale to Chapter Three here, and the opening excerpt from the current chapter here), current discussions around war got me thinking about the page from “Possibilities,” my 2006 comic on games that takes up the subject. It’s not an attempt to offer answers, but perhaps a…


My return to making comics was triggered by an invitation to participate in a political art show in Detroit on the eve of the 2004 election. That piece, “Security” was quickly followed up by with a second piece “A Show of Hands” immediately after the election. Much that emerged in that second piece shapes the…