Jack Kirby Museum website
Robert Beerbohm’s History of Comics – blog
Mike’s Amazing World of Comics – Publishing history of many major publishers
Charles Hatfield’s response to the PBS comics/superheroes documentary – blogpost
New Yorker Article on Superheroes and costumes by Michael Chabon, v. cool
the superhero supply co – an 826project – ridiculously cool, and a good cause
Wally Wood’s SuperDuperMan – superman parody (obviously)
Alan Moore & Mike Collings’s parody of Miller’s Daredevil – 1983
Article: why i read superhero comics – by Mark D. White
On teaching and superheroes – by Matt Finch
Documentary film (trailer) Wonder Women – the untold story of American superheroines
Interview with Steve Ditko on Spiderman by Jonathan Ross
Timeline of Superman at 75 – from newsarama
Exhibition of appropriation of Roy Lichenstein – whom appropriated from comics
Ian Gordon on Superman and myth – academic article
Blog/Patron St of Superheroes: The Top 8 Superhero Comics – 1934-1971
Blog/Patron St of Superheroes: The Top 8 Superhero Comics – 1971-2000
Blog/Patron St of Superheroes: The Top 8 Superhero Comics – 2001-2016
Superheroes & Psychology (List borrowed from Travis Langley):
- Does This Cape Make Me Look Fat? Pop Psychology for Superheroes (2006), by Chelsea Cain & Marc Mohan.
- Using Superheroes in Counseling and Play Therapy (2006), by Lawrence C. Rubin.
- Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero (2008), by E. Paul Zehr [physiology, neuroscience, psychology].
- The Psychology of Superheroes (2008), edited by Robin Rosenberg.
- Superheroes and Superegos: Analyzing the Minds Behind the Masks (2009), by Sharon Packer [psychiatry].
- Inventing Iron Man (2011), by E. Paul Zehr [physiology, neuroscience, psychology].
- Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight (2012), by Travis Langley.
- Our Superheroes, Ourselves (2013), edited by Robin Rosenberg.
- Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology (2016), edited by Travis Langley.
- Superhero Therapy: Mindfulness Skills to Help Teens and Young Adults Deal with Anxiety, Depression and Trauma (2017), by Janina Scarlet.
- Wonder Woman Psychology: Lassoing the Truth (2017), edited by Travis Langley & Mara Wood
Non-psychology books with PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTERS:
- The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media (1991), edited by Roberta Pearson & William Uricchio.
- Batman Unauthorized: Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City (2008), edited by comic book writer Dennis O’Neil.
- Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us about Ourselves and Our Society (2004), by Danny Fingeroth.
- The Law of Superheroes (2012), by James Daily & Ryan Davidson (based on their blog, Law and the Multiverse).