Comics and Narrative Medicine
Graphic Medicine – resource site for graphic illness narratives
Irish Times article on Graphic Medicine & 2024 conference – 2024
Graphic Medicine teaching resources – from GM website
New graphic medicine texts – Publishers Weekly 2022
Graphic Medicine Course Module – by Michael Green on the National Library of Medicine site
A. David Lewis’s Graphic Medicine Course Syllabus
Wonderful, illustrated writeup of 2015 Graphic Medicine Conference – Lorenzo Servitje
Sketchnotes from the 2014 Graphic Medicine Conference – by Shannon Loomer
Roundup of 2014 Graphic Medicine Conference – Whit Taylor in The Comics Journal
Introducing Graphic Medicine by the Bad Dr. & Comics Nurse – on the NY Academy of Medicine
Intro to Taking Turns by the Comics Nurse
K.L. Graywill Master of Science visual dissertation Visual Language of Pain
Article Cartoonists Making Mental Health Their Muse – BBC
Article Graphic Medicine/Autobio Comics changing views on mental illness –
Article Cartoonist Makes Mental Health Accessible – on comics & drawings of Cara Bean
Article on Drawing to deal with Trauma – Asylum Mag
Article on Graphic Medicine at Brock University, Canada
Article on Graphic Medicine in Doctor’s offices – from U Chicago News
Graphic Medicine to share illness experiences on college campuses – Brock University
Temple Student Makes Cartoons to get through Med School – Graphic Medicine
Mike Natter drawing for Med School Lessons
Review of the Bad Dr. and Graphic Medicine Anthology – NYTimes
Talks from the 2014 Graphic Medicine conference – on YouTube
Article on Penn State Press’s Graphic Mundi project – PSU Student Paper
How comics are improving doctor practice – from the BBC
Comic by Dr. dealing with long-term Covid patients – LATimes
Josh Neufeld A Tale of Two Pandemics – comics journalism on coronavirus racial inequity
Article on comics and medicine – in the Conversation UK
Strip Aids and its sequel Strip Aids USA – anthology AIDS comics
Death talks about Life – Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean AIDS comic narrated by Death from Sandman
Blue Pills – a Positive Love Story – French comic on living with AIDS (translated)
Comic project with kids on dealing with HIV – Cardiff University, South Africa
Tom Hart’s devastating comic on loss of 2 year old daughter – webcomic
Tom Humberstone’s comic on dealing with Crohn’s disease – amazing 24 hour comic (Link expired, Internet archive snapshot here)
Dr.’s perspective in comics on treating patient with Crohn’s disease – in the Guardian
NYTimes article on addressing Asperger’s Syndrome using comics
Dad’s comic on Down’s Syndrome for his son
Daughter’s Comic “Close to the Heart” on day of her dad’s death (U of Dundee) & PDF version
Cartoonist Rachelle Meyer – ICU to I See You – on Drawing through a crisis
Article – How Graphic Medicine Humanize healthcare
Article on comics as Graphic Medicine – great overview
List of 10 Graphic Novels that made Graphic Medicine – MedScape
Mike Keeper’s comic on Crohn’s Disease – via graphic medicine
Document on Graphic novels addressing illness narratives
Good bibliography of comics dealing with disabilities – blog
Graphic memoirs & novels.pdf – provided by Columbia U’s Marsha Hurst & Pat Stanley
Scott McCloud post on future of comics – including role in narrative medicine
Article summing up conference on comics and medicine – in Toronto
Ellen Forney’s Marbles – memoir on bipolarism
Article on bipolarism & Forney’s Marbles – in Huffington Post
Talk/Article – Sketching as Therapy in Ellen Forney’s Marbles
Tyler Page’s Raised on Ritalin, ADHD in comics
Michael Bise’s Life on the List – comic about being on the waiting list for a heart transplant
Interactive Fatty Liver Comics – as name implies on fatty liver disease…
Article on Narrative Medicine (no comics) – from the Journal of the American Medical Association
Personal account in comics of medical practices in rural south – New England Journal of Medicine
Article on using comics to prevent surgery errors – in Medscape Today
Dr. Michael Green’s comic on preventing surgery errors – article/comic
Dr. Michael Green personal comic on trying to make change in one’s life – Cleaver Magazine
Podcast on Diversity in comics: race, gender, sexuality… – on the Comics Alternative
Tumblr Better-drawn – comics by people dealing with long term mental or physical illnesses
Joe Ollman’s comic on dealing with his father’s death – at The Comics Journal
Online Comic on Depression – Hyperbole and a half
How Comics represent Depression – from pencil-panel-page
The power of GN’s for Kids – review of Raina Telgemeier’s Guts in NYT
Roundup of comics dealing with anxiety & depression – from Go Comics
Short list of comics dealing with health issues – blog Die Awesome
Article rounding up Best Graphic Medicine Comics of 2020 – from American Medical Association
Comics dealing with Suicide:
Years of the Elephant by Willy Linthhout,
The Next Day by Paul Peterson, John Porcellino, and Jason Gillmore
Comics on Disassociative Identity disorder:
Cuckoo by Madison Clell
All in the Family: A Graphic Memoir by LB Lee

Paula Knight on responding to ‘do you have children?’ – infertility comic
Paula Knight’s comics on fertility, miscarriage, and childlessness – from her site
Luchie comic on being introverted – lovely
Review of Elodie Durant’s graphic memoir Parenthesis (Cancer survivor) – The Guardian
Kriota Willberg examination of EC comic on cancer – insightful
Kriota Willberg Silver Wire – on history of sutures & stitching (w/embroidered pages) – Medium
Adam Bessie & Dan Archer on Pink Ribbon Envy – Brain Cancer comic – from the Nib
Adam Bessie & Marc Parenteau comic on Medical Marijuana for Cancer treatment – on Fusion
On using comics to help students with autism – we are teachers blog
Drawing Autism – a visual tour by kids w/autism – on Brainpickings
Learn about Social Stories/comic strip conversations to help autistic people
Pat Grant’s comic about his father – powerful piece…
Comic about dealing with Rape & Sexual Abuse – from Nina Burrowes – the cartooning psychologist
Sydney Heifler – Comic on Using Comics to Heal During the Pandemic – Comics Grid
Erin Williams on Trauma/Body – The Believer
Erika Price Body Horror comics
Designer working w/Mayo Clinic on patient narratives – from Arcade
Cartoonist Julia Wertz on dealing with Alcohol and Depression – from
Interview w/ Ian Williams founder of Graphic Medicine – in GP Online
Comics on Postpartum moms – Scary Thoughts
Comic on motherhood and cartooning – by Rina Ayuyang
Comic on traumatic birth – by Jessica Carew Kraft
Comic on giving birth in time of grief – by Maria Photinakis in Mutha Magazine
Comic on circumcision – in Mutha Magazine
Leela Corman comic on PTSD – from Nautilus
Leela Corman comic on healing – her Tumblr
Comic – I made my rapist breakfast – on the Nib
Comic on Graphic Guide to Mental Health – Center for Cartoon Studies
Call for articles on intersections of comics and mental health – Asylum Magazine (Sept 2014)
Rachel Masilamani’s “The Subject” & Spontaneous, Inevitable, Habitual – in Mutha Magazine
Ryan Alexander-Tanner’s comics interviews with on miscarriage – on
Kate Waldman on Comics & Mental Illness (Marbles, Swallow me Whole…) – in Slate
Site for public service Comics with Problems – archive
The Comics Nurse – when comics and health care converge – Mayo Clinic site
Dr. Michael Green’s comic on addressing end of life issues – from annals of Graphic Mediicine
comic on becoming a mom – from Guts magazine
Illustrated interview on the Human Biome – Graphic Medicine site
Stuart Campbell – “these memories won’t last” – dementia animated comic
Sam Hester – TEDx talk on making comics to improve health care – graphic pathography comic on her mom’s Parkinson’s/dementia
Lisa Wilde – comic on dealing with her mother’s dementia – Mutha Magazine
Graphic Medicine resources from Matthew Noe @ Lamar Soutter Library
UCSF acquires large graphic medicine collection & Brian Fies does a workshop on GM – from UCSF
Webinar introducing Graphic Medicine by Matthew Noe
Some articles by Sathyaraj Venkatesan on Graphic Medicine

Covid Comics
11 comics that brought hope, joy start of pandemic – article NPR
Science behind Covid-19 in comics by Sonny Lieu – StraitsTimes Singapore
Anthology of Comics from first months of Covid outbreak in China
Article – doctors using comics to confront vaccine conspiracy theories – New Zealand
Article – Bay Area nursing students make Kids’ Playbook for understanding Covid – KTVU
Argha Manna comic Be aware of Droplets (covid/viruses) – Annals of Internal Medicine
Comic by Steve Teare – School of Screens (on zoom schooling in covid) –
Interview on making an anthology of Covid Comics – Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics
Hazel Newlevant: What’s up with Covid – how to protect yourself – Zine PDF here

Health Education

Kriota Willberg’s “Get a Grip” – good health practices for cartoonists (extending her book Draw Stronger)
Medical info for kids – Medikidz Comics – medical organization
Article Manga as Medical Tool – NYTimes
Digital Comics as Therapy in Schools – the Atlantic
Creating Comics helps Communication for Kids with Special Needs – Brain&Life
Comic to Help Special Needs Students – SNA

Prepping for Zombie Apocalypse with comics – by Matt Finch on the CDC’s Zombie Preparedness comic
Article on Sci-Fi Comic to teach kids about Immune system – CBC
Educational comic on battling dysentery in WW1 – The Invisible War
Akane Shimizu’s Cells at Work! – Penguin

Comics dealing with war/trauma
Graphic Novel helps Navy corpsmen cope – from the LA Times on “the Docs” – produced by the Navy
Article on the Navy’s “The Docs” – for helping Navy Corpsmen cope with Trauma
Online copy of the Navy’s “the Docs” – for dealing with the stress and danger of the military
Interactive Comic-Game for training for soldiers in Afghanistan
Comic artist embedded with US military in Afghanistan starting in 2010.
War is Boring : war correspondent blog and cartoons, with tagline, “we go to war so you don’t have to.”
Comics go to war : A look at several comics written from war situations.
Afghanistan embedded comic journalism
Course on wartime comics – article in
Karen Green article on Ritual Suicide/War – on comixology
Health Care Reform explained in Graphic Novel Form – by Jonathan Gruber
Comics as propaganda – and other aspects
Propaganda comic in Granada – produced by CIA in 1983-4
Comics as Propaganda in Cyprus & US – from Bleeding Cool
Article on how the Government used comics as propaganda – from
Jeet Heer on Comics as Cold War Propaganda – the New Republic
Book the Comic Art of War study of military cartoonists – McFarland Press
Book comics and world wars – Palgrave
Chilean how to read Donald Duck – imperialist ideology in the Disney Comic
Comics from the Real Cost of Prison Project – PDFs
Article on comic helping imprisoned youth return to life – from Bleeding Cool
Article on children’s comic Azzi in Between on refugee status – from Playing by the Book (children’s books blog)
Comic on a refugee’s story from Iran – Red Cross website
Website for Comics for Heroes – site to donate comics to soldiers/others
Comic of soldier’s recovery after Afghanistan in DC hospital – Daily Beast
Comic recounting veteran’s struggle with returning home – by Jess Ruliffson
Jess Ruliffson story of veteran addressing suicide bomber – in Boston Globe
Sketches and stories of returning soldiers by Richard Johnson – in Washington Post
Cartoonist/Veterans project – When I Returned – Center for Cartoon Studies
Kate Polak on teaching Deogratias (detailing the Rwandan genocide) – from Hooded Utilitarian
Comic dealing with Human trafficking/Nigeria – PDF
Harriet Earle Comics, Trauma and the New Art of War Mississippi U Press
Hillary Chute Disaster Drawn Harvard U Press