A dog’s view…

As this entire second chapter (and the dissertation in total) has been a discussion of ways of seeing, I sought to clarify that by “ways of seeing” i also mean to be inclusive of means of perception beyond the visual in a literal sense. To that end, I thought of no better example than my…


My return to making comics was triggered by an invitation to participate in a political art show in Detroit on the eve of the 2004 election. That piece, “Security” was quickly followed up by with a second piece “A Show of Hands” immediately after the election. Much that emerged in that second piece shapes the…

Conference Wrap-ups – Expanding Forms of Inquiry

The last two weeks saw a full schedule of conferences with a public talk in between. I’ve had terrific experiences all around, and each gathering has provided an excellent opportunity to share my work, and explore with audiences the ways in which we think and make meaning beyond text for learning and scholarly work. First…

Talking Comics at Oakland U

Next week, I’ll be talking comics and my dissertation at Oakland University. It’s open to the public, so if you’re in the area… Thanks to Ben Bennett-Carpenter for making this possible. – Nick Oakland’s web-announcement and flyer. Nick Sousanis: Visual-Verbal Artist-Academic presents his work in comic books on “Creative & Critical Minds” Wednesday, October 10, 2012,…

Copernican Revolutions…

New pages from Chapter 2! These two were not part of my working outline, and as I finished the previous pages on ways of seeing and Eratosthenes’s unflattening of the earth and was looking ahead to the next pages, I kept feeling there was a missing transition visually and conceptually. Copernicus’s reenvisioning of the known…