Ch5 Pointland plus Rumpus

So I’m plugging away on drawing Chapter Five, and wanted to share a little preview.  In this excerpt, we make a return to EA Abbott’s Flatland, which was initially introduced in the Interlude between Ch1 and Ch2, and has subsequently been referenced throughout. But I’m using this two-dimensional world here, and the even more bizarre…

Classes and Symposium talk

I’m pleased to report that this spring I’ll be teaching my comics for educators course once again, at Teachers College, Columbia U. This will be the fourth time we’ve offered this course, and each one has been a rewarding experience and I’m eager to connect with the next group of students. We talk theory, explore…

Ch4 Finished

Chapter Four is finished!! After Chapter Three dealt heavily with the distinction between visual and verbal modes, and some theorizing on the capacities of the comics form, this chapter dealt with perception, how drawing works, the creative process in general (and mine more particularly), and sought to expand the notion of what thinking is. I’ve only…

Oxford Squared Science and Arts

So this week, I’m excited to be (sort of) in two places and specifically two Oxfords at once!  Physically, I’ll be traveling to the annual gathering of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) – taking place this year at the University of Miami, in Oxford, Ohio. At the same time, a small excerpt from my dissertation…


Another minimalist page, part of a five-page sequence segueing from my pages on perception (one of which I put up here) to talking about how drawing works. As mentioned last time, I’ll be sharing shorter excerpts going forward as I race to get this finished by spring! This page came out of thinking about the…

Not a Game

While I’m plugging away on Chapter Four (you can see the finale to Chapter Three here, and the opening excerpt from the current chapter here), current discussions around war got me thinking about the page from “Possibilities,” my 2006 comic on games that takes up the subject. It’s not an attempt to offer answers, but perhaps a…