UCLA and Fabric

This week I’m taking a quick trip to Los Angeles to give a talk at UCLA’s Charles E. Young Research Library. The talk is free and open to the public, Thursday May 29 at noon. See here for further details if you’re in the area or know folks who’d like to check it out. I’ll…

AERA14 and New Toes

This weekend, I’m off to Philadelphia for the American Education Research Association’s (AERA) annual conference. I was to participate in three sessions, but because of exciting news on the home front (See below), I will be making a shorter trip of it and only making the Saturday and Sunday ones. I’ll be giving away comics…

Classes and Symposium talk

I’m pleased to report that this spring I’ll be teaching my comics for educators course once again, at Teachers College, Columbia U. This will be the fourth time we’ve offered this course, and each one has been a rewarding experience and I’m eager to connect with the next group of students. We talk theory, explore…

Oxford Squared Science and Arts

So this week, I’m excited to be (sort of) in two places and specifically two Oxfords at once!  Physically, I’ll be traveling to the annual gathering of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) – taking place this year at the University of Miami, in Oxford, Ohio. At the same time, a small excerpt from my dissertation…

New Horizons

I’m in the midst of drawing Chapter Four – in which I deal specifically with perception and discussions around drawing as a form of discovery. If Chapter Three dealt with the distinction between text and image, and comics as a means of uniting modes, this puts it all into practice. For various reasons, I may…

Microsoft Video VSA Drawing

A month or so back, I gave a talk at Microsoft Research to accompany the exhibition of excerpts from my dissertation. (I posted images from the show here.) They recorded the talk, as it was also being streamed to Microsoft employees not physically in attendance, and they’ve now kindly put the talk together with slides…