This week, I’m traveling to Seattle to participate in the International Comics Arts Forum’s (ICAF) annual conference at the University of Washington and the concurrent Short Run Comics & Arts Festival. I’ve been invited to ICAF to speak on my work as artist & scholar, and also around teaching comics. My plan for my talk…


This coming week I’m thrilled to be attending the 44th Annual Angoulême International Comics Festival! This yearly event transforms this town in the west of France into the 3rd largest and one of the most prestigious comics festivals in the world. I’m going as the guest of the French publisher of Unflattening (as Le Déploiement) Actes…

Comics Studies Penn

This Friday, December 9, I’ll be at at Penn’s Annenberg School for Communication to talk on Unflattening and new forms of scholarship. For details see Annenberg site here.This trip signals the close to a full travel schedule of speaking on the book for the fall. Most recently, I was at Davidson College, and prior to that…

Image Lab & Next Gen PhD

This week I’m in the air again – first up off to Madison, Wisconsin Thursday, October 20, to do a workshop-talk connected with Lynda Barry‘s Image Lab/Applied Comics Kitchen at UW! Excited for the opportunity to share with them and work alongside Barry and her students. I’ve been sharing a lot from her recent books on…

Lynd Ward Prize

This week, I’m off to Penn State University to receive the Lynd Ward Prize for Graphic Novel of the Year! The award (which was announced this past spring) is run by the Pennsylvania Center for the Book, an affiliate of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress – and past years include Chris Ware’s Building Stories,…

SFAI talk

As of July, I’ve been a resident of San Francisco where my family and I moved for me to take an assistant professorship at San Francisco State University. I will have more to say on plans for what we plan to do around the study of comics and making comics at SFSU in the coming months. But in the…

Comic-Con! NGA Video

So the end of July came along and my wife, daughter, and I packed up and said goodbye to Calgary after a great year and a half in that sunny city. From the tremendous support of comics scholar extraordinaire Bart Beaty who brought me there to all the friends we made over that time, it was a difficult goodbye.…

Sketching Entropy

I was delighted and honored to talk about Unflattening, comics, and the importance of visual thinking at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC earlier in June! it was an amazing experience and It’s exciting to see more and more places open up to comics. The event was recorded and the NGA has released…