Talking Comics as Way of Thinking

New interview with me courtesy of the iTeach Podcast! Some background…. Back in late November, I was pleased to be contacted by Chris Malmberg of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks about a podcast he and his colleague Brooke Sheridan had made in which they devoted their inaugural session to a discussion of my work and the…


Chapter Two – In Full!

Happy New Year! This post was set to go out on the solstice until an internet outage prevented it. So with the new year upon us, I’m pleased to be able to share the entirety of chapter two here. While all but the title page have been posted previously, this is a chance to read them…


Ch 2 Finished – Odyssey Final Sequence

Chapter two is complete! This thing kept growing on me somewhat outward and frequently inward. The sequence here concludes the chapter. It’s a journey with a few references to the Odyssey (from cyclops, to Ithaka, and more), a lot of triangles and tetrahedrons, and a weaving together of a number of diverse philosophical perspectives (as…


Did it flow? Connectedness in Joyce

While I still have one more page to draw to finish Chapter two, I wanted to share a single page from the final sequence of the chapter. This page plays off the faucet passage in James Joyce’s Ulysses from the Ithaca episode. I first read this in high school (twice forward and once backward at…


Comics class & Conversations

  I’m pleased to announce that the comics course for educators i developed at Teachers College will once again be offered in the Spring term. It’s under a new name and department, but a similar focus on understanding, making, and exploring ways to incorporate comics into the classroom. More info below and on my comics…


NY Comics & Picture-stories Symposium

Tonight (November 26) at 7pm, I’ll be talking comics at the 27th meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-stories Symposium hosted by Ben Katchor. I’ll be talking on my dissertation and comics as a means of legitimate scholarly discourse. Also, first up tonight, Mark Lerer will be talking on the history of comics fanzines. The…


Speaking at Kutztown U

Thursday, November 15, I’ll be talking comics and my dissertation at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania thanks to professor Lynn M. Kutch. Should be fun! – Nick  


A dog’s view…

As this entire second chapter (and the dissertation in total) has been a discussion of ways of seeing, I sought to clarify that by “ways of seeing” i also mean to be inclusive of means of perception beyond the visual in a literal sense. To that end, I thought of no better example than my…



My return to making comics was triggered by an invitation to participate in a political art show in Detroit on the eve of the 2004 election. That piece, “Security” was quickly followed up by with a second piece “A Show of Hands” immediately after the election. Much that emerged in that second piece shapes the…
