Graphic Medicine Ireland!

Pleased to share word, that I’ll be the opening keynote speaker for the Graphic Medicine Conference this July! The conference will be held July 16-18, 2024 in Athlone, Ireland – and brings together comics makers and health care professionals from around the globe! Alongside my keynote, I’ll be doing two workshops for attendees before the…


Accessible Unflattening, Modes, Visual Thinking

Suddenly, I’m participating in a flurry of conversations around comics/my work in a 20 hour stretch February 21st and 22nd! An accessible version of Unflattening, with visual linguist Neil Cohn in the UK, and back at Teachers College – on alternative scholarship… UPDATE: Recording of this is now available: Also, the audio descriptions and…


Comic on Accessible Comics!

  Pleased to share word that I’ve just created a comic on accessible comics in collaboration with my colleague Emily Beitiks for MIT Technology Review. It’s in print, and they have an interactive version of it on their site here: Emily and I created an audio accessible version, and you can see the full comic and access…


Slow Streets MiniComic

The last year or two my family has been getting around San Francisco more and more on our bikes and our car use has shrunk drastically. We’ve gotten involved in supporting efforts to make more streets closed to cars and safe for human-powered transit of all sorts, including most prominently the now permanent JFK Promenade…


Interviews Nostos Accessible Comics

A long time no posts – sharing here a couple new interviews, a sneak peek at the sequel to Unflattening, and news of the next iteration of our Accessible Comics project!   First up, those interviews. I spoke with Kay Sohini (whose comics dissertation I was pleased to be on the committee for her brilliant…


Blind Comics Symposium

A short update with news of an event I’m cohosting this week! First, a couple of recent podcast interviews. Back in June, I spoke with Mike Hanson for his show the Well Read Investor and we had a good conversation about how I came to do this work and thoughts about comics in education. That’s…


S21 Making Comics Documented

A small update with tons of comics making activities that I do in classes for you to try for yourself or with students! First, I did an interview with Michael Hawley for the Podcast the Well Read Investor.  A fun conversation – we got into my back story, my creative process, and a lot of…


First steps

A short post – as I plug away (slowly but surely) on the follow up to Unflattening – with the working title Nostos – I wanted to send out a call to anyone who has always wanted me to draw their baby (or themselves as a baby) in a book! I’m looking specifically for images of learning to roll…



I made a thing in response to the past four years and the hopeful shift represented by January 20, 2021. If you’d like to download, PDF is here. It is a successor to my 2016 election comic “WE.” I don’t get a lot of time to draw these days on my book, let alone for…


Making Zithers

The state of things these last months has meant that I’ve posted much less about my teaching than I’d intended (though as always, I have tons of my teaching materials compiled here). But I recently shared some activities from class on Twitter, and given the response to them, I thought I’d detail them here. The…


ING 2020

Sharing here my quadrennial presidential election comic for 2020 “ING…” I made the first of these political comics back in 2004 (see “Security” here and “Show of Hands” here), and that occasion prompted my full-on return to comics-making as an adult. As a result, I’ve ended up doing one each election season since. This one…


No Sides

A bunch of things about my teaching below, but first: I made a new short comic that has something to do with now and the last several years. It’s about wrestling with divisions and connections. The pared down approach came out of something I was trying with my students on zoom – exercises to get…
