Talking Comics at Oakland U

Next week, I’ll be talking comics and my dissertation at Oakland University. It’s open to the public, so if you’re in the area… Thanks to Ben Bennett-Carpenter for making this possible. – Nick Oakland’s web-announcement and flyer. Nick Sousanis: Visual-Verbal Artist-Academic presents his work in comic books on “Creative & Critical Minds” Wednesday, October 10, 2012,…

Presentations this week…

A full week ahead of talking comics. Tonight (Monday, May 14), i’ll be sharing briefly about my dissertation with the newly formed NY Comics and Picture-Stories Symposium. It’s a great group of creators and thinkers on comics, just formed by NYC cartooning legend Ben Katchor. Catch the second session tonight and be part of whatever…

Hastac Talk

Happy New Year! Fall of 2012 saw few updates to this site – but not because i wasn’t making new comics. Rather the opposite, I was immersed in two big projects that i’ll post more on soon, as well as lots of thinking on comics through the course I developed and taught this fall at…

My Evolution

As a final project for Visual Explanations – thinking about the concept of visual analogies in comics with colleague Andrea Kantrowitz. Created this quick overview of how my process has developed over the last few years and what issues i’m interested in exploring in the medium. – N Excerpts from my work include: “Security“; “Show…