Briefly: the Denver – Rocky Mountain Comics/Ed conference rocked! Got to hang out and learn from folks like Maureen Bakis, James Bucky Carter, Charles Hatfield, RC Harvey, and Scott McCloud! Plus met a lot of new folks doing great work in comics along the way. Thanks to Christina Angel and crew for hosting a fantastic gathering.

In the meantime, UK journalist Matt Finch presented a series of interviews on comics and education here. The series includes interviews with Jessica Abel, Dimsum warrior scribe Dr.  Yen Yen Woo, and me – sharing thoughts about comics and education. 

Also this week, on the Chronicle’s Professor Hacker column, Anastasia Salter wrote a sweeping column generated from a THATCamp event talking comics and education – and featured a kind nod to my work here. Great post filled with terrific resources for those interested in comics and education.

Thanks Matt and Anastasia for the support!

Oh, and one panel from a new page. I’ve been plugging away and will have more excerpts to share soon. – Nick