A Cosmology of Ideas V2
A second version of the cosmology of ideas idea – in slightly more traditional comic book format – in 2 pages. See here for Version 1. And here for a textual explanation with sketches. – N
A second version of the cosmology of ideas idea – in slightly more traditional comic book format – in 2 pages. See here for Version 1. And here for a textual explanation with sketches. – N
A sort of comic, prepared for a catalog for a forthcoming exhibition at Macy Gallery at Teachers College. The subject of the show is studio practices, and so i focused on how ideas are generated, or born, in my notebook. It was in part shaped by a conversation with my dad on how stars form.…
Created in conjunction with Graeme Sullivan’s “Visual Arts Research” class at TC. Closely related to the recent “Bi(bli)ography” as well as a spiritual cousin to “In the Box/Out of the Box” from some time ago. – Nick Little Boxes is also designed to be put together as a cube – or little box itself. Arrows…
At last – the final version of “Bi(Bli)ography: A Life of Privilege.” This replaces previous, in-progress versions. I welcome your feedback. – Nick
Ok, it’s been a long time since there’s been a new piece. Not because i’ve not been working on new projects, but rather because of how each project has grown as i’ve delved into it. This is the case with the following – intended to be a two-page, quick essay, it blew up fractal-like as…
The sequel to the first installment on artistic development in children prepared for Dr. Judith Burton’s class on that subject. – Nick (You can find the initial one here)
An essay on legendary education philosopher Maxine Greene. Learn more about Maxine here: http://www.maxinegreene.org/. (completed 11/7/08) – Nick
A comic about divisions and over-simplification in four pages. Created in October of 2008. – Nick
Comic made for Judith Burton’s class on artistic development. – Nick (September 2008)
This piece was first created literally out of a block (box) of wood sliced in 8 pieces (drawn on with a Sharpie) for an art fundraiser in Grosse Pointe, MI. It occurred at nearly the same time as a box show fundraiser at the Detroit Artists Market. Boxes and blocks were on my mind. In…