This page gathers comics layouts that use a recognizable, representational form for the structure and also uses words as compositional structure. It is a companion page to the one I’ve assembled with Circular Layouts and Hexagonal Layouts. This is for use for my classes, my own work, and shared here for anyone’s interest. Feel free to send more my way if you have recommendations!
Representational Layouts
- Benoit-Dahan-Sherlock-Holmes-1
- Benoit-Dahan-Sherlock-Holmes
- Dick Giordano Batman comic
- Javier Rodriguez Valkyrie
- JH Williams III Batman Symbol
- JH Williams III Batwoman Symbol
- JH Williams III Batwoman Symbol
- JH Williams III Sandman
- Neal Adams X-Men
- Nestor Redondo Swampthing
- Element from Reimena Yee’s Comics Devices Project
- Diego Saito Tangled comic
- Bill Morrison Yellow Submarine
Words as Page Composition
- Gene Day words from Shang-Chi
- Gene Day Shang-Chi numbers
- Arthur Ranson countdown
- Frank Miller Sin City
- Greg Smallwood