I made a thing in response to the past four years and the hopeful shift represented by January 20, 2021. If you’d like to download, PDF is here. It is a successor to my 2016 election comic “WE.”
I don’t get a lot of time to draw these days on my book, let alone for extra projects. So when I had the spark of an idea for this, I sketched it out briefly while I was drawing with my 2 year old in the morning right after we’d watched the inauguration. My daughter has instituted family art night recently, so we all draw together, and I used half my time that night to make a more careful drawing. And then finally, late that night I scanned and redrew from that. A rare single image from me, and finished in a single day. Wishing all brighter days ahead… – N
- Initial sketch, morning of 1/20
- Tighter sketch, evening of 1/20