This term, I’m sitting in on my advisor Robbie McClintock’s final course – a look back at his formative educational experiences. I set myself a small goal of making a short piece inspired by something that occurred in the class or the reading. I include the quote from Robbie to start it off, and then other ideas from the class and my own work (related to my dissertation) constitute this one. The first page references the Diego Rivera murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts and also connect to my 2004 billboard project – which you can read about here. This imagery came up again in my dissertation proposal, and likely will make it in some form into the actual piece. The second page offers a vastly different approach, one that is in line with a new piece done for publication a few weeks back, that i’ve yet to post, allowing it to appear elsewhere first. Been pushing a lot lately, since the Shape of Our Thoughts piece, on allowing the text to shape the imagery and the image to shape the text – seeing my role as one of mediator in the creative process. That leads to things like the second page, but the first page was fun in getting back to just drawing stuff for a (long!) while… – Nick