quick update

A lengthy stint of jury duty has delayed some updates here – but a few things. First up, check out this interview on graphic novel reporter with the super cool Maureen Bakis – teacher and author of the Graphic Novel Classroom, who visited my class back in the fall. Maureen was a great guest and…

On View: Seeing Red Feeling Blue

Thanks to an invite from Gan Golan (co-creator of Good Night Bush), my piece about the ridiculousness of red states and blue states made during the run-up to the 2008 presidential election is now on view as part of the Po Boy Art Gallery’s “The Comic Show/People’s Art of Portland” in Portland, Oregon. (Info here: http://poboyart.com/). I…

Cosmology of Ideas

A sort of comic, prepared for a catalog for a forthcoming exhibition at Macy Gallery at Teachers College. The subject of the show is studio practices, and so i focused on how ideas are generated, or born, in my notebook. It was in part shaped by a conversation with my dad on how stars form.…

In the Box, Out of the Box

This piece was first created literally out of a block (box) of wood sliced in 8 pieces (drawn on with a Sharpie) for an art fundraiser in Grosse Pointe, MI. It occurred at nearly the same time as a box show fundraiser at the Detroit Artists Market. Boxes and blocks were on my mind. In…

Possibilities: The Rabbit Page and more…

This comes from the graphic essay “Possibilities” that accompanied Game Show Detroit (www.gameshowdetroit.com) Produced in the spring of 2005, it’s 16 pages long with full color cover. I may add other pages from it to this archive at some point. Also, for those curious, this is the piece I used as part of my interview…